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9 Ways to Decorate a Blog to Make It More Interesting


How to decorate your own blog to look more attractive must be considered by bloggers. Blog design is indeed something that makes most bloggers dizzy seven around. This is because they have to make them look as attractive as possible. With steps that are not easy.

Most bloggers are beginners. You will usually feel confused about how to start decorating their blog.

How to Make a Blog Simple


How to create an interesting, free, and first personal blog is to use blogger.com or blogspot.com. How to make this Blogspot is the easiest to do.

This is because Blogspot itself is: a blogging platform. Besides, Blogspot is also a platform made by Google, so the features offered are quite a lot.

1. Define Goals and Structures

Before starting to design a blog, it is better to determine the purpose of the content of the blog first. This will make it easier for us to determine the appropriate design.

Once we know the purpose. We must understand the structure of blog templates first. It consists of headers, footers, sidebars, and blog content.


Blog headers are at the very top of a blog that usually contains titles and descriptions. Usually, there are those who add buttons for social media, etc. Header scriptwriting usually begins with code and ends with. In this script, you can edit the title and description in a blog.

Sidebar Blog

After that, the sidebar is part of the layout of a blog. The sides can be put on the right or on the left depending on the taste. In the sidebar usually also added a supporting widget. such as Blog Archive Widgets, Categories, Recent Articles, Profiles, etc.

Post Blog

Blog posts are the part where you display content that has been written and uploaded. It usually displays the title, content, and comments field.


Footer as the name suggests is the foot or bottom of a blog. There is usually copyright information from blogs. And there are also extra widgets in some blog templates.

In the blogger's default template, the code writing starts from and ends with.

2. Show a Brief Description

Be sure to provide a brief description of an interesting blog under the title or name of the blog. Make a description that matches the content of the blog or a description that reflects the blog.

This brief description is very important. Let readers know what articles or what posts they can find on the blog.

3. Easy Navigation

Make navigation easy, clear, and simple. Because blog visitors move to find the posts they want on the blog.

4. White Space

White space is part of an unused design. That is, white space is a blank space in a blog that is not filled with designs or articles. White space is important enough to give the impression of a blog design that is not too crowded.

5. Showing Social Media Profile

Showing social media profiles in a blog is quite important. This will give confidence to blog visitors because they know who the owner of the blog is.

6. Subheading

To make it easier for readers, it would be better to use subheadings to create content structure. The subheading is used to explain important points in an article.

7. Add Pictures

After creating a neat structure, don't forget to add images to the article. To make the writing more interesting to read. Or you can use graphic info to better attract the attention of blog visitors.

8. Link

In article writing, don't forget to give different colors to words. it contains links related to other articles.

The largest use of only 3 types of fonts in the blog so as not to look crowded and confusing. Besides fonts, use a combination of colors that are also not too much.

9. Mobile Friendly Blog Design

Do not forget to create a design that is also compatible to be opened through the phone. This is because in this day and age more people access information using their mobile phones.

And never use a dark background as the basic color of a blog.

How to Modify a Blog

1. Get into the Blogger.com

2. Choose which blog you want to design the template for

3. On the left menu, please click Template

4. Click Customize (if you want to edit without coding) and click Edit HTML (if you want to try editing with coding)

5. On the left menu, you can choose a template, to design the background, blog width, layout, and advanced.

6. When you're done, click Apply to the blog at the top right

7. To see the design results, click View Blog at the top right.

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